Owning Your Sexual Self

132. Supporting Your Chakras

September 19, 2022
Owning Your Sexual Self
132. Supporting Your Chakras
Show Notes

If you checked out the title of this episode, you are probably one of my people. You are in this energy loving world, maybe already know what chakras are, or at least you’ve heard the word chakra before.

There are hundreds of chakras that are located in our body, but you generally think of 7 main chakras.
Root -
At the base of your pelvis. Responsible for security and safety, and feeling centered in life. Will create a foundation for balance with your other chakras. Affirmations -  I am safe, I am blessed, I am beautiful. I can achieve whatever I want. The universe is with me. 
Sacral -
About 2 inches above your belly button. Your creation, sex, pleasure, sensuality, and passion. Overall enjoyment of life is dependent on this chakra. Affirmations - I am living a very joyful life. I celebrate my sexuality and embrace it. My creativity is flowing through my body freely, and I’m happy with it. I attract the people who love and accept me just as I am.
Solar Plexus -
2 inches above your belly button, right under your breast bone. Responsible for your personality, personal choices, freedom,  self esteem, and your power of transformation. Affirmations - I am ambitious. I feel calm and confident. I am manifesting positive outcomes in my life.
Heart -
Right in the middle of your chest. Responsible for compassion, joy, love for ourselves and others, empathy, forgiveness, peace, generosity, gratitude and our ability to trust in others. Affirmations - I love myself. I love all the people around me. I forgive others, and I forgive myself too.
Throat -
At the base of your throat. Plays an essential role in your communication, boundaries, willpower, emotions, thoughts, feelings, and expressing your emotions to others. Affirmations - My words are valuable. I speak with clarity and confidence. I respect my thoughts and will share them with others without any fear. 
Third Eye -Between your eyebrows. Is not about the physical, but stimulates your energy to give you clarity about dimensions beyond our world. Affirmations - I see clarity in all things. I follow and trust my intuition. I am connected with the universe. 
Crown -
At the tip of your head. The most spiritual of all the chakras. Through this people are connected to the oneness of everything. Affirmations -  I am living in the present moment. I am connected to all.  I am opening myself to receive spiritual guidance.

How do I know if one of my chakras is blocked?
Ask yourself these questions, and journal your answers.
Root -
Do you feel grounded? Are you physically healthy?
Sacral -
Are you an emotionally balanced person? Are you comfortable expressing yourself sexually?
Solar Plexus -
Do you have a high degree of self esteem? Are you confident?
Heart -
Do you have love in your life? Are you emotionally connected to others?
Throat -
Do you communicate your thoughts well? Do people consider you articulate?
Third Eye -
Do you intuitively know certain things? Are you wise? 
Crown -
Do you understand your spiritual connection to all that exists? Are you able to recognize your inner and outer beauty?

EOC Institute
10 Minute Chakra Balancing Meditation
17 minute Chakra Balancing Meditation
Information in this episode was learned from the Chakra & Crystals Certification

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Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com