Owning Your Sexual Self
Hi! I'm Rachel Maine! I am a sex coach and sexuality educator that helps women discover and embrace what brings them pleasure so that they can own their sexual self. This podcast provides a space for listeners to think openly about their sexuality and discusses all topics surrounding sexual health and wellness through a sex positive lens. Of course, there will be humor and profanity involved because well... that's my jam! Be sure to subscribe and review the podcast so you never miss a beat!
219 episodes
217. Out of Control Sexual Behavior with Dr. Joe Kort
Hello! We're back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast! This week, Dr. Joe Kort who is a leading expert in male sexuality, LGBTQIA affirmative therapy, and out of control sexual behavior. With over 36 years of experience ...

216. Finding Love and Confidence in Your 40s with Jason Strongfeather
Hello, everyone! Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! This week I’m joined by sex and relationship coach Jason Strongfeather to talk about the common struggles women face in the dating world, especially those...

215. One Word for an Intentional Relationship
Hello, hello! We're back for a solo episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! This week, we’re talking about how choosing one word for your relationship can set the tone for the year ahead, focusing on one thing that both of you can hold ...

214. Discovering Pleasure Keys with Susan Taylor
Hello! I'm here this week with a great guest, Susan Taylor! Susan is a somatic coach and pleasure activist, who helps people connect with their bodies and explore the deeper truths of what turns them on. We're talking about embracing personal r...

213. Soft Cock Appreciation with Erica Leroye
Hello, hello! We're back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm so excited to have Erica, the founder and Chief Erotic Officer of Creative Body Release, here this week. She is here to share her powerful journey from ed...

212. Navigating Genetic Testing and Preventative Care with Jade
*Trigger Warning: This episode discusses cancer risk, genetic testing, and preventative surgeries, which may be emotionally heavy for some listeners.*Hello, everyone! This week I'm talking with Jade, a dedicated career woman, wif...

211. Wrapping Up 2024 with Gratitude and Growth
Hello everyone! This week it's a special year end recap episode! This year has been a journey of reflection, transition, and intentional living. As we close out the year, I’m sharing personal insights, lessons learned, and a sneak peek into wha...

210. Hormone Testing 101 with Jordan D'Nelle
Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! This week I've got on a familiar face (or voice) Jordan D'Nelle! She's here to talk all about women's hormone testing. This is definitely in Jordan's wheelhouse, and I'm s...

209. Navigating Affairs: Understanding, Healing, and Rebuilding Trust with Dr. Alison Ash
Hello! We're back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast! I've got Dr Alison Ash back this week to talk about one of the most substantial relationship ruptures; affairs. If you're looking to understand why affairs occur, ho...

208. Navigating Relationship Ruptures with Dr. Alison Ash
Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! This week I've got on Dr Alison Ash who is a trauma-informed intimacy coach, Stanford University lecturer, author, and founder of TurnOn.Love. Dr. Aly brings her expertise...

207. Exploring Fantasies: Creating a Sex Bucket List with Jenay Lambert
Hello! I'm super excited for this episode! We're talking about something super fun and playful; sex bucket lists! I've got on fellow sex coach Jenay, who is a certified relationship & life coach, and the host of her podcast “My Naked Mindse...

206. How Romance Audiobooks Empower Women and Enhance Intimacy with Tempt
Hello everyone! I'm back with another episode of Owning Your Sexual Self! This week I've got Elena Solovyeva on who is the co-founder and CEO of Tempt, a spicy romance audiobook app designed to enhance women’s sexual lives. She's here to tell u...

205. Exploring Asexuality and Aromanticism with Aubri Lancaster
Hello hello! I'm back with another amazing guest on the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast! This week with me is Aubri Lancaster who is an independent AASECT and ANTE UP! Certified Sexuality Educator. As a Greyromantic Asexual person Aubri has liv...

204. Safety and Empowerment in Sex Work with Yash Rivera
Hello hello! We’re back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! This week I’ve got on Yash Rivera (it/him/faers) who is a sexuality educator, sex worker, and 2SLGBTQIA+ activist, and is here to talk about it’s experiences i...

203. Mindful Intimacy and Setting Boundaries with Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus
We are back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! Today I'm with Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Sexologist, Sociologist, Relationship Coach, Author, and International Speaker. A radical force for self-expression, Dr. Jenn has spent...

202. Navigating Intimacy for Highly Sensitive People with Irene Fehr
Hello, friends! I've got another great episode this week! I'll be talking with Irene Fehr, a sex and intimacy coach. She's back to talk about what sex looks like for highly sensitive people, Irene's expertise and personal experience make her in...

201. My Guide to Healthy Communication
Hello hello! I'm back with a solo episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm going to be talking all about healthy communication, and going over how to use my communication guide that I've put together for you all to use! ...

200. Navigating Initiation and Reigniting Passion with Dr. Moali
Hello! I'm back with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast! This week I've got on amazing guest, Dr. Moali. She is a sex and relationship expert, clinical psychologist, and host of the Sexology Podcast. With her expertise...

199. Mastering Sexual Communication, Techniques, and Intimate Wellness with Susan Bratton
We're back with another episode of the Owning You Sexual Self Podcast! This week I've got on an amazing guest, Susan Bratton! She is a champion and advocate for all those who desire intimacy and passion their whole life long. She’s created hund...

198. Understanding the Power of your Subconscious with Kate Shelor
Hey, everyone! Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast. Thanks for sticking around through the ups and downs; life's been a rollercoaster as I open my own sex therapy and education practice here in Michigan. Toda...

197. Why Men Need Man Friends with Jordan Bowditch
Hello, everyone! Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm so, so excited to have Jordan Bowditch on the show today. You've heard me talk about Jordan and his wife Lex from Sex & Love Co on the podcast so ...

196. Where to Start with Impact Play
I'm back solo with another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm excited to give you all a little beginners guide on impact play! I'm hoping this episode will be a great resource for you, and gives you more confidence in starting ...

195. Exploring Equine Therapy with Nicoletta Heidegger
Hello! On this week’s episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast, we’re talking about equine therapy! I’ve got on Nicoletta Heidegger who is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Sexologist who specializes in trauma-informed sex th...