Owning Your Sexual Self

179. The Feminine Archetypes

August 21, 2023 Rachel Maine

Hello, hello! I'm so happy to share this episode with you all today! I'm talking all about the Feminine Archetypes. It's really a great lead up to my upcoming HER retreat where we will be going so much more in depth on these archetypes. I'm so fucking excited! 
This episode covers:

  • How excited I am for the HER retreat, and what it entails
  • What are the Feminine Archetypes and where they come from
  • What embodying these archetypes can do for you
  • A look at a few different archetypes, and how they can show up in yourself
  • How the HER retreat will explore all these archetypes and more

I hope that you enjoyed hearing about these feminine archetypes as much as I loved telling you about them. I'm excited, excited, excited in just a few weeks to be able to play in some of these energies with some women! Its so fucking fun to be able to do this work.

The HER Retreat
Consultation Call

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Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com