Owning Your Sexual Self
Hi! I'm Rachel Maine! I am a sex coach and sexuality educator that helps women discover and embrace what brings them pleasure so that they can own their sexual self. This podcast provides a space for listeners to think openly about their sexuality and discusses all topics surrounding sexual health and wellness through a sex positive lens. Of course, there will be humor and profanity involved because well... that's my jam! Be sure to subscribe and review the podcast so you never miss a beat!
Owning Your Sexual Self
194. Overcoming Vaginismus with Jess Seitz
Rachel Maine
Hello hello! Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! Today I've got Jess Seitz, an occupational therapist and founder of Pain-Free Intimacy, here to talk all about vaginismus, and the journey to both pain and drama free intimacy.
You'll hear:
- Jess's personal journey
- What vaginismus is and other names it can be called
- Different ways it can affect different people
- Steps to take if you think you might be struggling with vaginismus
- How to help a partner that is struggling with vaginismus
- Reassurance that you're not alone and that you deserve to have pain free sex
Thank you so much for listening! Don't forget to share on your social media and tag me if you loved this episode! See you next week!
Connect with Jess!
Instagram: @PainFree.Intimacy
Connect with Rachel!
Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com