Owning Your Sexual Self
Owning Your Sexual Self
195. Exploring Equine Therapy with Nicoletta Heidegger
Hello! On this week’s episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast, we’re talking about equine therapy! I’ve got on Nicoletta Heidegger who is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Sexologist who specializes in trauma-informed sex therapy for diverse populations as well as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. I loved this conversation, and I’m so excited to share it with you all!
You’ll hear:
- Nicoletta’s personal story
- What equine therapy is
- Why you might benefit from equine therapy
- The different ways it can be used
- Why somatic work is so beneficial to be practiced in addition to talk therapy
Thank you so much for listening! Don't forget to share on your social media and tag me if you loved this episode! See you next week!
Special Spirit - www.specialspirit.org
Eagala - www.eagala.org
Natual Lifemanship - naturallifemanship.com
Connect with Nicoletta!
Afternoon Delight Live Event: ADLive.Eventbrite.com
Instagram: @slutsandscholars or @therapywithnicoletta
Website: NicolettaVHeidegger.com
Connect with Rachel!
Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com