Owning Your Sexual Self
Owning Your Sexual Self
197. Why Men Need Man Friends with Jordan Bowditch
Hello, everyone! Welcome back for another episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm so, so excited to have Jordan Bowditch on the show today. You've heard me talk about Jordan and his wife Lex from Sex & Love Co on the podcast so many times, so I'm pumped that he's here to share his knowledge on the importance of men having male friendships.
You'll hear:
- Jordan's personal journey with male friendships
- What the difference between toxic and healthy masculinity is
- How to cultivate your circle of friends
- What it looks like inside a container of healthy like-minded male friends
- How having these male friendships can help your romantic relationship
- Just how important having male friends is
Thank you so much for listening! Don't forget to share on your social media and tag me if you loved this episode! See you next week!
Connect with Jordan!
Instagram: @JordanBowditch
Men's Programs: sexandlove.co/programs#men
That Sex Chick Podcast - thatsexchick.com
Connect with Rachel!
Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com