Owning Your Sexual Self
Hi! I'm Rachel Maine! I am a sex coach and sexuality educator that helps women discover and embrace what brings them pleasure so that they can own their sexual self. This podcast provides a space for listeners to think openly about their sexuality and discusses all topics surrounding sexual health and wellness through a sex positive lens. Of course, there will be humor and profanity involved because well... that's my jam! Be sure to subscribe and review the podcast so you never miss a beat!
Owning Your Sexual Self
201. My Guide to Healthy Communication
Rachel Maine
Hello hello! I'm back with a solo episode of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast! I'm going to be talking all about healthy communication, and going over how to use my communication guide that I've put together for you all to use!
In this episode:
- Techniques for initiating conversations without triggering alarm or defensiveness
- Tips for checking in with partners and scheduling important discussions
- What the HALT method is and how to use it
- Emphasizing teamwork and shared goals in relationships
- How to use active listening and validating emotions during conversations
- The importance of continuous, compassionate communication to break negative patterns
Conscious Communication Guide & The Relationship Regroup
Connect with Rachel!
Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com