Owning Your Sexual Self
Owning Your Sexual Self
207. Exploring Fantasies: Creating a Sex Bucket List with Jenay Lambert
Hello! I'm super excited for this episode! We're talking about something super fun and playful; sex bucket lists! I've got on fellow sex coach Jenay, who is a certified relationship & life coach, and the host of her podcast “My Naked Mindset” which is a sex/taboo/dating topics podcast. I can't wait for y'all to hear what she has to say!
In this episode:
- Jenay's personal experience and how her and her husband filled out their sex bucket lists
- Where to start when creating a sex bucket list, and how to use some resources to begin
- How a sex bucket list can bring back that spark you had in the early days if you're in a long term relationship
- Creating a safe, open space to share your desires, where both you and your partner can be honest without fear of judgment
- Examples of where to gather inspiration to keep adding exciting new ideas to your list
Thank you so much for listening! Don't forget to share on your social media and tag me if you loved this episode!
Sex Bucket List Worksheet
Want, Will, Won't List
Connect with Jenay!
Instagram - @MyNakedMindset
TikTok - @MyNakedMindset
X - @MyNakedMindset
My Naked Mindset Podcast
Connect with Rachel!
Instagram: @The_Rachel_Maine
Website: https://linktr.ee/WellnessSexpertise
YouTube: YouTube.com/@OwningYourSexualSelf
Facebook: Rachel Maine
Email: therachelmaine@gmail.com